what is the importance of positive self esteem (3)

What Is The Importance Of Positive Self-Esteem?

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    Possessing a healthy sense of self-worth is crucial to leading a fulfilling emotional life. Those who have a healthy sense of self-worth tend to think well of themselves and their life, while those who don't tend to be critical of themselves and their efforts on a regular basis. While almost everyone acknowledges that a healthy dose of self-confidence is always welcome, it's a shame that not everyone knows how to get there. Today, we'll discuss the importance of self-worth and offer advice on how to improve your own.

    What Exactly Is Meant By The Term Self-Esteem'?

    Having a firm grasp on the meaning of self-esteem is crucial. For starters, to be held in high esteem suggests that one is admired and respected by one's peers. A good sense of self-worth stems from not just being able to relax and have fun in one's own company, but also from knowing how to value and respect oneself. Maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth requires a combination of the conviction that one is capable (of learning, success, and contribution to the world) and the freedom to act autonomously. In the end, it reveals that you give credence to the worth of your own inner experiences and perspectives.

    The way you treat yourself and others, as well as the things you think and value about yourself, all contribute to your level of self-esteem.

    A person's sense of pride in themselves is not the result of any one thing or line of thought. Instead, a person's sense of self is a sum of how they value the many facets that come together to make them unique. Personality, achievements, talents, capacities, history, experiences, relationships, physical appearance, and one's sense of oneself are all part of a person's self-perception. How they think other people perceive them is also a factor in their level of self-esteem.

    Development Of Self-Esteem

    what is the importance of positive self esteem

    A person's sense of self-worth, at any age, is profoundly influenced by the events that have occurred during their existence. When we're young, our parents or primary caregivers have the most sway since we look to them as the primary source of both positive and negative experiences. The child's sense of security and respect should be impacted by their unshakable and continuous love, which in turn will affect the child's sense of self-worth as they get older.

    Positive recollections from one's youth are treated with respect and listened to; they are showered with care and attention; and their triumphs and failures are recognised and appreciated. Negative life events can have an impact on one's sense of self-worth Examples of unhealthy relationships are those characterised by constant criticism, rejection, pestering, excessively high expectations, or emotional, physical, or sexual assault.

    See our list of available Rehabilitation Programmes to help you make an informed decision for your treatment.

    Self-esteem continues to develop well into adulthood, influenced by our experiences, both positive and negative, and the signals we receive from our environment (the influence of family, teachers, coaches, friends, peers, work colleagues, partners, etc.). Whether we are raised with messages of love and reassurance or criticism and condemnation, we each develop a "inner voice" that speaks those words to ourselves as adults.

    Having supportive relationships with friends and romantic partners also helps boost confidence (social acceptance). Conversely, low self-esteem and a lack of confidence are caused by experiencing rejection and isolation. Being bullied or feeling pressure from others, having a poor physical appearance or being overweight, having a lower financial status, and having mental health problems are all other components of low self-esteem that are regularly explored. Adults who tend to be more emotionally stable, conscientious, and outgoing also tend to have a higher sense of self-worth.

    • Physiological depiction The Western world is to blame for creating unrealistic standards of beauty and body image, such as "size zero models," a "thigh gap," a "bikini bridge," or the hashtag "#proana," which is short for "being pro anorexic." There has been a rise in the popularity of male grooming practises like tanning salon visits, manicures, and even the use of cosmetics. A six-pack and hairlessness below the neck are two of the most sought-after features in the male beauty industry (also known as "manscaping").
    • Contrast in social settings. To gauge our worth, we used to compare ourselves to those we spent the most time with in person. Whether or not we feel we measure up to the idealised and often exaggerated depiction of other people's lives that is provided on social media has become a standard by which we evaluate ourselves. It would appear that the two most popular sites are Facebook and Instagram. To the contrary, social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Snapchat have attained considerable popularity. We see just what other people want us to see.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Your beliefs can have an effect on your self-esteem on the kind of person you are, what you are capable of doing, your strengths and shortcomings, and the hopes and dreams you have for the future. In addition, there may be certain persons in your life whose words about you can help, in some small way, to your overall level of self-esteem.

    The lowest levels of self-esteem were seen in young individuals, but it rose steadily throughout adulthood, reaching a high point around age 60 before beginning to fall.

    A lack of self-confidence and an overall negative attitude about oneself are the hallmarks of low self-esteem. People who have poor self-esteem frequently have the perception that they are unlovable, awkward, or incapable.

    People who have a healthy self-esteem are more concerned with their own development and progress, whereas those who have a poor self-esteem are more concerned with avoiding making mistakes in their lives. A lack of self-esteem has been linked to a number of unfavourable outcomes, including depression.

    Some people's immediate sense of self-worth may be highly unstable as a result of factors such as an unhealthy self-concept, an unhealthy reliance on the assessments, love, and acceptance of others, and excessive dependency demands. These factors have all been implicated as contributing factors.

    Self-Esteem Vs. Depression

    And remember that poor self-esteem is not the same as depression. Despite their similarities, depression and low self-esteem are two distinct mental health issues. Instead, having a negative opinion of oneself is thought to increase one's likelihood of being depressed (more on this will be discussed further down).

    Self-esteem is a description of how you think and feel about yourself, whereas depression is a mental health disorder that can affect both the mind and the body. Further, some people tend to maintain higher levels of self-esteem throughout time, while the beliefs that other people have about themselves are more reactive to mood and the events that occur in their lives, leaving them more vulnerable to a drop.

    Keep in mind that your high or low self-esteem is influenced by a wide variety of factors, some of which you can change and others that you cannot.

    What really matters is not only how much attention you give to the things you find most interesting, but how much grace and compassion you exhibit towards the things you find less engaging.

    Comparison of the Consequences of Having a Healthy Self-Esteem to Having a Low Self-Esteem

    Lack of self-respect might have unintended consequences. It can:

    • Depression, anxiety, obesity, hypersensitivity, stress, and feelings of isolation are just some of the mental health problems that can arise as a result of this.
    • Cause issues in a variety of spheres, including but not limited to intimate interactions, friendships, academic achievement, and productivity at work.
    • It causes one to constantly compare themselves to others, to believe they must be perfect, to blame themselves heavily, to avoid trying new things for fear of failing and to have trouble accepting praise.
    • An individual's vulnerability to substance abuse and alcoholism may be exacerbated by their insecurities.

    These mutually reinforcing adverse effects form a vicious cycle. When you go into a situation with a negative frame of mind and an anticipation of failure, you're more likely to feel discouraged and disappointed in yourself.

    To wit, for the reasons that:

    • Believe in their maturity, morality, and judgement, and let go of the need for approval from others. They are confident enough in their principles to change them or seek help if they feel it's necessary, and they are ready to defend those principles if attacked.
    • Try not to think too much about the past or the future and instead pay as much attention as you can to the tasks at hand right this very second.
    • Appreciate the differences between one another while still holding each other to the same standard of respect (not superior or inferior).
    • Appreciate them for who they are and what they bring to the table, especially the people they know and care about. Especially the people they know and care about.
    • They have a lower threshold for risk and are more likely to attempt something new.

    How Can One Overcome a Lacking Sense of Self-Esteem?

    One's own sense of value can be improved in numerous ways. However, the following suggestions have widespread support from the results of meta-analyses:

    • In order to improve one's sense of self-worth, it is necessary to first argue against the negative thoughts and feelings that have been plaguing one's mind. You need to halt your negative thinking and evaluate your inner critic. Determine if the messages are excessively harsh, apocalyptic, unrealistic, or judgemental, and if so, put an end to them. Here's only one example: Use neutral language, such as "He is not saying anything, he is ignoring me" or "He is quiet, but I don't know why maybe I should enquire." "He's been silent lately, and I have no idea why." Do not blindly accept the first idea that comes to mind; the things that cross your mind are not always true. It is possible for people to spend years meditating on and believing dysfunctional beliefs, which then lead to certain feelings and behaviours. Make an attempt to replace your negative inner monologue with a more optimistic one (with factual and meaningful self-messages). Take on the task of retraining your brain on your own time.
    • Self-compassion training is an important part of the second phase. Don't put off taking care of yourself until you absolutely have to. Take care of your unique self by nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. These methods don't have to be complicated; instead, they can be as simple as doing something you enjoy, like drinking coffee in the morning or listening to a music that has meaning to you while you take some time to relax (i.e. keeping a gratitude journal). Following that, you should try to identify and develop some of your latent interests and talents. Consider the pursuits that you look forwards to the most and that inspire you to think outside the box. Set a small number of manageable goals and keep a close eye on your progress. Motivates and boosts one's sense of self-worth. Keep in touch with your feelings while you work on developing self-compassion. Those who don't value themselves tend to live on the emotional extremes of either repressing or overindulging their feelings. Try to master your emotions and start feeling them in a more measured way instead of letting them run amok. The ability to manage negative emotions such as stress, fear, guilt, worry, and anger can lead to improved health and well-being. Developing more effective coping mechanisms for negative feelings will help you gain control over negative thought patterns.
    • Getting in touch with other individuals is the next stage. Those with poor self-esteem are less likely to reach out for help because they either feel ashamed to do so or think they do not deserve it. Instead, you should seek help from trustworthy people. You may start the process of getting the help you need by talking to other people, hearing what they have to say, remembering all the great things about yourself, and sharing your own experiences. As an added bonus, there is a wide variety of offline and online communities to tap into for help and encouragement. If you have really low self-esteem that you are not able to overcome despite your best efforts, it may be helpful to speak with a therapist or counsellor and seek professional support. Seeking the top rehabilitation facility? Then Refocus Rehab Melbourne is the answer.

    Why Self-Esteem Matters

    what is the importance of positive self esteem (2)

    Having confidence in one's own value is good for one's emotional well-being because it encourages positive responses to adversity and the development of healthy coping mechanisms. A negative self-view is a risk factor for clinical depression. It can be challenging to live a satisfying life and make meaningful connections with others if you struggle with poor self-esteem and negative self-perception. If you don't value yourself very highly, you can be more likely to do dangerous things or make unsafe choices.

    If one is willing to put in the time and energy, they can raise their self-esteem. If you believe that your poor self-esteem is badly affecting your life and you need help learning to value yourself and suppress negative ideas about yourself in order to better your circumstances, it may be helpful to work with a professional.

    The Role of Self-Esteem in Fostering Prosocial Behavior

    People with high self-esteem are more likely to be helpful to others (by being generous and displaying traits like empathy), get along well with their families, and show flexibility in new situations. Those with greater levels of self-esteem and more caring and supportive connections with their families tended to do better academically and socially as freshmen in college, according to a study done in 2014. This turned out to be the case.

    Self-Esteem And Stress

    How you respond to and cope with stressful situations is strongly influenced by your level of self-esteem. Prosocial behaviour (which, as was said earlier, is more likely with higher self-esteem) is known to help people deal with stress by reducing the negative impact that stressors have on their daily lives. Many studies have shown that high levels of self-esteem are correlated with high levels of goal-directed behaviour, confidence in one's own abilities to achieve those objectives, and emotional regulation. Gains in one's academic standing are also linked to a more positive sense of self.

    High Self-Esteem Boosts Overall Well-Being

    Having a healthy sense of self-worth is also protective against mood disorders like anxiety and depression. Several studies have found that when people have high self-esteem, they are more likely to be happy with their lives and more resilient when faced with challenges.

    The Dangers Inherent In Having Low Self-Esteem

    Researchers frequently use the term "spectrum" when referring to self-esteem, as they do with many other elements of mental health. Your sense of self, like any other aspect of your identity, is likely to evolve and change over the course of your life as you respond to major life events and milestones.

    However, whether one's self-esteem is great, low, or somewhere in between, it is true that people have a propensity to converge around a precise fixed position. Social interactions, focus, emotional regulation, decision making, and contentment in life can all suffer when a someone has a poor perception of themselves.


    It was previously stated that having high self-esteem makes it easier to recover from setbacks and to ignore the criticism and bad feelings of others. Conversely, when you have a low self-concept, you are more inclined to take criticism or rejection personally and to attribute other people's problems to yourself.

    The combination may make people with low self-esteem more sensitive to minor stresses and interpersonal conflicts. Low self-esteem makes it harder for a person to manage their feelings, cope well with adversity, and maintain a positive outlook on life.

    A person's confidence and sense of worth can take a serious hit when they have a low opinion of themselves and allow even minor issues to become overwhelming.

    Feeling Down Vs. Poor Self-Esteem

    Having low self-esteem is not the same as simply being unhappy or having a terrible day. Everyone experiences sadness when bad things happen, but such feelings usually don't last long, and they certainly don't affect one's sense of worth, especially if they're already healthy to begin with. Instead, low self-esteem is characterised by a poor self-perception that does not alter over time regardless of one's circumstances, despite its natural ups and downs in reaction to the positive and negative events in one's life. This blog post will help you make an informed decision about Rehab Treatment Melbourne fees for different treatments.

    The degree to which you value yourself may be influenced by factors such as your personality type, your emotional state, your genetic makeup, your upbringing, your social circle, and the experiences you've had. However, as was previously noted, a low sense of self-worth might put you at risk for a range of psychological issues.

    Risky Behaviours

    Having a negative opinion of oneself has been linked to unhealthy choices, especially among teens. Included in this category are activities like driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, intentionally hurting oneself, smoking, and toting around weapons. Another way of putting this is that those who have the lowest levels of self-love and respect are more prone to take risks with their health and safety.

    There is also mounting evidence that a boost in self-esteem aids in the rehabilitation from substance abuse. Adolescents' low self-esteem has been linked to poor decision making, according to studies. Adolescents are at a disadvantage in the decision-making process since their executive function skills are still maturing.

    A Lack of Confidence in Oneself

    Studies have shown a direct relationship between low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and the reverse is also true. Also, healthy mental wellbeing and a good quality of life can be supported by cultivating traits like self-reliance, self-advocacy, and trust in one's own talents, all of which are bolstered by a healthy dose of self-confidence. Having a solid foundation of self-confidence is the first step towards developing healthy self-esteem.

    Methods For Boosting One's Own Self-Esteem

    A high quality of life is directly correlated with a healthy dose of self-esteem, but as was noted earlier, this is something that takes work and conscious effort. Some of the following strategies may help you develop a more optimistic outlook on your own worth:

    Accept Compliments

    To avoid the natural tendency to dismiss positive feedback, remind yourself to give your whole attention to actively taking it in. Research has shown a correlation between being a "praise-taker" and low self-esteem, which is an interesting finding.

    Take Some Time Off For Yourself

    Stop being so hard on yourself and learn to let go of any self-loathing thoughts or feelings. Everyone has flaws and can't always find something to love about oneself. Relax your standards for perfection. Ask yourself if you are being realistic or fair to yourself when you feel yourself starting a downhill spiral.

    Learn To Accept And Love Yourself, Flaws And All

    You should still love and respect yourself even while there are parts of you that you don't like, wish were different, or aren't content with.

    Respect The Individual That You Are

    It's important to try to appreciate and accept yourself just as you are right now. Determine your unique selling point, your source of joy, and your contribution to the world, and then flaunt it.

    Acknowledge The Significance Of Maintaining A Healthy Level Of Self-Esteem

    It's likely that if you begin to appreciate the connection between how you view yourself and your level of contentment and fulfilment in life, you'll be more motivated to alter your perspective and give yourself a higher value.

    Seek Support

    Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other forms of psychotherapy can help you overcome the obstacles to a more positive self-perception and develop the tools necessary to replace negative thoughts with constructive ones. Any barriers to an optimistic view can be overcome with the help of therapy.

    Create A Journal To Record Your Gratitude

    The next time you're feeling low on yourself, try writing down all the good things in your life, the things you value about yourself, and the accomplishments or traits you're proud of, and reading it over. The practise of keeping a thankfulness journal is highly recommended.

    Remember To Write Down Your Thoughts

    When unfavourable circumstances arise, you can choose to actively work through the issues or to let them go. Conversely, when less clear thinking emerges, it's important to focus on the positive thoughts you've been having.

    Consider That You Are A Friend To Yourself

    You probably feel more compassion, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, encouragement, support, and pride when you think about a friend than you do when you consider yourself. When you catch yourself being critical of yourself, try pausing for a moment, shifting your perspective, and treating yourself as you would a trusted confidant.

    Put Some Effort Into You

    Consider what changes you could make if there is something about yourself or your life that you do not like. Next, you'll want to figure out how to put those plans into action.


    Possessing a good sense of self-worth is crucial to leading a fulfilling emotional life. Maintaining a high self-esteem suggests that one is admired and respected by one's peers. The way you treat yourself and others, as well as the things you think and value about yourself, all contribute to your level of self esteem. Self-esteem continues to develop well into adulthood, influenced by our experiences, both positive and negative. Adults who tend to be more emotionally stable, conscientious, and outgoing also tend to have a higher sense of self-worth.

    Western world is to blame for creating unrealistic standards of beauty and body image. Having a negative opinion of oneself is thought to increase one's likelihood of being depressed. Despite their similarities, depression and low self-esteem are two distinct mental health issues. What really matters is not only how much attention you give to the things you find most interesting, but how much grace and compassion you exhibit towards less engaging things. When you go into a situation with a negative frame of mind and an anticipation of failure, you're more likely to feel discouraged and disappointed in yourself.

    These mutually reinforcing adverse effects form a vicious cycle. How Can One Overcome a Lacking Sense of Self-Esteem? Self-compassion training is an important part of the second phase. Motivates and boosts one's sense of self-worth. Developing more effective coping mechanisms for negative feelings will help you gain control over negative thought patterns.

    Seeking the top rehabilitation facility? Then Refocus Rehab Melbourne is the answer. Having confidence in one's own value is good for one's emotional well-being. A negative self-view is a risk factor for clinical depression. Those with high self-esteem are more likely to be helpful to others, get along well with their families, and show flexibility in new situations.

    Having low self-esteem is characterised by a poor self-perception that does not alter over time. A person's confidence and sense of worth can take a serious hit when they have a low opinion of themselves. This blog post will help you make an informed decision about Rehab Treatment Melbourne fees for different treatments. Having a negative opinion of oneself has been linked to unhealthy choices, especially among teens. Having a solid foundation of self-confidence is the first step towards developing healthy self-esteem.

    Adolescents are at a disadvantage in the decision-making process since their executive function skills are still maturing. If you're feeling low on yourself, try writing down all the things you're proud of about yourself and reading it over. Therapy can help you overcome obstacles to a more positive self-perception. Any barriers to an optimistic view can be overcome with the help of therapy.

    Content Summary

    1. Possessing a healthy sense of self-worth is crucial to leading a fulfilling emotional life.
    2. Today, we'll discuss the importance of self-worth and offer advice on how to improve your own.
    3. Having a firm grasp on the meaning of self-esteem is crucial.
    4. The way you treat yourself and others, as well as the things you think and value about yourself, all contribute to your level of self-esteem.
    5. How they think other people perceive them is also a factor in their level of self-esteem.
    6. Positive recollections from one's youth are treated with respect and listened to; they are showered with care and attention; and their triumphs and failures are recognised and appreciated.
    7. Negative life events can have an impact on one's sense of self-worth Examples of unhealthy relationships are those characterised by constant criticism, rejection, pestering, excessively high expectations, or emotional, physical, or sexual assault.
    8. See our list of available Rehabilitation Programmes to help you make an informed decision for your treatment.
    9. Self-esteem continues to develop well into adulthood, influenced by our experiences, both positive and negative, and the signals we receive from our environment (the influence of family, teachers, coaches, friends, peers, work colleagues, partners, etc.).
    10. Having supportive relationships with friends and romantic partners also helps boost confidence (social acceptance).
    11. Conversely, low self-esteem and a lack of confidence are caused by experiencing rejection and isolation.
    12. Being bullied or feeling pressure from others, having a poor physical appearance or being overweight, having a lower financial status, and having mental health problems are all other components of low self-esteem that are regularly explored.
    13. Adults who tend to be more emotionally stable, conscientious, and outgoing also tend to have a higher sense of self-worth.
    14. Physiological depiction The Western world is to blame for creating unrealistic standards of beauty and body image, such as "size zero models," a "thigh gap," a "bikini bridge," or the hashtag "#proana," which is short for "being pro anorexic."
    15. Contrast in social settings.
    16. Whether or not we feel we measure up to the idealised and often exaggerated depiction of other people's lives that is provided on social media has become a standard by which we evaluate ourselves.
    17. DepressionAnd remember that poor self-esteem is not the same as depression.
    18. Despite their similarities, depression and low self-esteem are two distinct mental health issues.
    19. Keep in mind that your high or low self-esteem is influenced by a wide variety of factors, some of which you can change and others that you cannot.
    20. Comparison of the Consequences of Having a Healthy Self-Esteem to Having a Low Self-EsteemLack of self-respect might have unintended consequences.
    21. When you go into a situation with a negative frame of mind and an anticipation of failure, you're more likely to feel discouraged and disappointed in yourself.
    22. To wit, for the reasons that:Believe in their maturity, morality, and judgement, and let go of the need for approval from others.
    23. How Can One Overcome a Lacking Sense of Self-Esteem?One's own sense of value can be improved in numerous ways.
    24. However, the following suggestions have widespread support from the results of meta-analyses:In order to improve one's sense of self-worth, it is necessary to first argue against the negative thoughts and feelings that have been plaguing one's mind.
    25. You need to halt your negative thinking and evaluate your inner critic.
    26. Make an attempt to replace your negative inner monologue with a more optimistic one (with factual and meaningful self-messages).
    27. Self-compassion training is an important part of the second phase.
    28. Don't put off taking care of yourself until you absolutely have to.
    29. Take care of your unique self by nurturing your body, mind, and spirit.
    30. Keep in touch with your feelings while you work on developing self-compassion.
    31. Getting in touch with other individuals is the next stage.
    32. Instead, you should seek help from trustworthy people.
    33. Having confidence in one's own value is good for one's emotional well-being because it encourages positive responses to adversity and the development of healthy coping mechanisms.
    34. A negative self-view is a risk factor for clinical depression.
    35. It can be challenging to live a satisfying life and make meaningful connections with others if you struggle with poor self-esteem and negative self-perception.
    36. Self-Esteem And StressHow you respond to and cope with stressful situations is strongly influenced by your level of self-esteem.
    37. Gains in one's academic standing are also linked to a more positive sense of self.
    38. High Self-Esteem Boosts Overall Well-BeingHaving a healthy sense of self-worth is also protective against mood disorders like anxiety and depression.
    39. Your sense of self, like any other aspect of your identity, is likely to evolve and change over the course of your life as you respond to major life events and milestones.
    40. However, whether one's self-esteem is great, low, or somewhere in between, it is true that people have a propensity to converge around a precise fixed position.
    41. Low self-esteem makes it harder for a person to manage their feelings, cope well with adversity, and maintain a positive outlook on life.
    42. Poor Self-EsteemHaving low self-esteem is not the same as simply being unhappy or having a terrible day.
    43. Instead, low self-esteem is characterised by a poor self-perception that does not alter over time regardless of one's circumstances, despite its natural ups and downs in reaction to the positive and negative events in one's life.
    44. This blog post will help you make an informed decision about Rehab Treatment Melbourne fees for different treatments.
    45. However, as was previously noted, a low sense of self-worth might put you at risk for a range of psychological issues.
    46. Another way of putting this is that those who have the lowest levels of self-love and respect are more prone to take risks with their health and safety.
    47. Adolescents' low self-esteem has been linked to poor decision making, according to studies.
    48. Also, healthy mental wellbeing and a good quality of life can be supported by cultivating traits like self-reliance, self-advocacy, and trust in one's own talents, all of which are bolstered by a healthy dose of self-confidence.
    49. Having a solid foundation of self-confidence is the first step towards developing healthy self-esteem.
    50. Some of the following strategies may help you develop a more optimistic outlook on your own worth:Accept ComplimentsTo avoid the natural tendency to dismiss positive feedback, remind yourself to give your whole attention to actively taking it in.
    51. Learn To Accept And Love Yourself, Flaws And AllYou should still love and respect yourself even while there are parts of you that you don't like, wish were different, or aren't content with.
    52. Acknowledge The Significance Of Maintaining A Healthy Level Of Self-EsteemIt's likely that if you begin to appreciate the connection between how you view yourself and your level of contentment and fulfilment in life, you'll be more motivated to alter your perspective and give yourself a higher value.
    53. Seek SupportCognitive-behavioral therapy and other forms of psychotherapy can help you overcome the obstacles to a more positive self-perception and develop the tools necessary to replace negative thoughts with constructive ones.
    54. Any barriers to an optimistic view can be overcome with the help of therapy.
    55. Create A Journal To Record Your GratitudeThe next time you're feeling low on yourself, try writing down all the good things in your life, the things you value about yourself, and the accomplishments or traits you're proud of, and reading it over.
    56. The practise of keeping a thankfulness journal is highly recommended.
    57. Consider That You Are A Friend To YourselfYou probably feel more compassion, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, encouragement, support, and pride when you think about a friend than you do when you consider yourself.
    58. When you catch yourself being critical of yourself, try pausing for a moment, shifting your perspective, and treating yourself as you would a trusted confidant.
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