what do you need to know about revenge bedtime procrastination (2)

What Do You Need To Know About Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?

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    Do you, rather than going to bed at a reasonable hour after a long day, choose to stay up late so you can have some time alone? If this is a recurring behaviour, it may be a sign that you are putting off going to bed as a kind of retaliation. A common form of "revenge" for having a full schedule every day is to delay getting to bed until later in the day. Because of this, you are likely getting less shut-eye than you require. Everything you need to know, including the potential risks to your health, is laid out here.

    You'll be more able to recognise sleep procrastination when it arises in your life if you're familiar with its signs, causes, and consequences. Then you can take steps to avoid the consequences of putting off bedtime, such as insufficient rest.

    What Is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?

    The term "revenge bedtime procrastination" is used to characterise the actions of people who put off going to bed so they can engage in things they did not have time for during the day. It's a way to get more time for fun and games at the sacrifice of restful sleep.

    The term "bedtime procrastination" was coined in a study published in 2014. In China, where 12-hour workdays are common, the word "revenge" was first used to describe how workers there would stay awake late into the night in an effort to wrest back some control of their schedules. The term "revenge sleeping" was coined to describe this behaviour.


    Being a vengeful procrastinator of bedtime is not necessarily a sign of staying up late. Instead, the study authors propose that there are three main aspects of sleep postponement:

    • The less amount of sleep each night must be a direct result of the later bedtime.
    • This sleeplessness cannot be attributed to any other cause, such as an illness or an external condition that affects sleep, such as an environmental source.
    • People that engage in the behaviour are fully aware that it can lead to unfavourable consequences, but they do so anyhow.

    It's probable that different people will feel its effects in different ways, depending on their individual situations and the motivations behind their urge to stay late. The hours after putting the kids to bed, for example, may be the only time of day that a parent of young children has to focus solely on his or her own goals. People who work exceptionally long hours may find that binge-watching their favourite show on the couch is the only way they can truly unwind after a long day.

    Some folks prefer the quiet of the night or the freshness of the morning to get in some extra exercise or practise a favourite hobby. But most people spend their time doing things that don't require any effort from them.

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    Several hypotheses have been presented by researchers in an attempt to explain why some people choose to forego sleep in favour of additional leisure time.

    Perhaps you're a morning person who was thrust into a world of night owls at birth. It's possible that you're on the lookout for a basic de-stressing technique to use when the day has been particularly trying. On the other hand, maybe you tend to put off doing things that need to be done and end up putting off things that are important to you. As the day goes down, you may have less self-control, which has been linked in some studies to the act of putting off sleep.

    One or more of these or other variables may be at play when someone deliberately delays going to bed out of spite.


    You shouldn't worry too much about how staying up late every night will affect the number of hours you sleep, your health, or your general happiness. When putting off responsible behaviours like going to bed on time or exacting retribution becomes routine, issues occur. The cycle of late nights followed by early mornings might lead to sleep deprivation. Inability to get enough shut-eye can impair day-to-day functioning, and long-term sleep deprivation can have detrimental effects on your body and mind.

    Possible side effects of sleep deprivation due to avoiding bed as retaliation include the following.

    • Depression
    • Trouble maintaining focus
    • High blood pressure is unhealthy.
    • Possibility of future cardiac problems increases.
    • Weakened resistance to disease
    • Unhappy memory: gaining weight.

    What Behaviours Are Associated With Bedtime Procrastination?

    what do you need to know about revenge bedtime procrastination

    For someone to be classified as having delayed bedtime procrastination, they must exhibit all three of the following symptoms:

    • A reduction in overall sleep time due to a late bedtime.
    • The inability to attribute staying up later than usual to an exceptional circumstance, illness, or other valid reason.
    • The realisation that staying up too late can have negative consequences

    Bedtime procrastination, like putting off homework or other chores around the house, is indicative of a more general tendency towards procrastination2. However, delaying sleep is not usually seen with the same level of disapproval as those other obligations. Things that bring greater instant enjoyment and should be favoured instead include watching television, hanging out with friends, and playing video games.

    Bedtime delay comes in many forms. One form of nighttime hypersomnia is putting off going to sleep (bedtime procrastination). An additional cause is difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep (while-in-bed procrastination). Some researchers have speculated that people's increasing habit of using electronic gadgets in bed may be to blame. Both of these forms of sleep postponement have the potential to reduce the total quantity of sleep a person gets each night.

    What Role Does Vengeance Play In This Scenario?

    The term "revenge nighttime procrastination" refers to putting off going to sleep as a kind of payback for the stress or lack of free time experienced during the day.

    After the term "revenge" was added to characterise it, the concept of "revenge procrastination" took off across many other social media sites. The Chinese expression "revenge bedtime procrastination" captures the frustration that arises from having so little time for leisure activities because of one's busy work schedule. The phrase originated in Chinese language.

    For some, putting off going to bed at night may be seen as an act of "vengeance" for the lack of downtime they get during the workday. Despite having originated in China, the idea has gained support around the world as a result of the anxiety produced by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    What Kind Of Thought Processes Are Involved In Putting Off Going To Bed?

    Understanding of sleep procrastination is just beginning to be explored in the realm of sleep science. As a result, the mental causes of this deliberate sleep deprivation are a topic of ongoing debate.

    Even if they know they should get more sleep, many who have trouble getting to sleep on time nevertheless put off doing so. An intention-action discrepancy is also referred to as an intention-action gap.

    Individuals' inability to self-regulate or exercise self-control may be contributing to this discrepancy. It may be easier to put off going to sleep in the evenings because our capacity for self-control naturally declines as the day progresses. Some people may have an innate propensity to delay gratifying activities, such as getting ready for bed. The daytime demands of work or school may also exhaust willpower reserves by the time nighttime rolls around.

    Not everyone agrees with this approach, mainly because some find that it emphasises self-control too much. Those who have a "night owl" chronotype and are forced to conform to schedules designed for "early birds" may experience sleep postponement as a result. Giving up sleep for other activities may not be a sign of laziness, but rather of a conscious decision to find time for rest and relaxation in order to deal with the stress in one's life. If you've been putting off going to bed, consider this your punishment.

    Who Is Affected The Most By Procrastinating Bedtime The Most?

    Since research into sleep procrastination is just starting off, specialists can't say for sure who it affects the most. One study indicated that college students and women were the most likely to put off going to bed until the last possible moment. People that are evening chronotype are those who naturally stay up later than the average person. People who are habitually late to bed are also more likely to postpone in other areas of their lives.

    As a type of retaliation, staying up late seems to be associated with the kind of chronic stress that can't be avoided. Many people put off going to sleep because, even after a full night's rest, they have little time left over for fun activities. This may exacerbate the issue of inadequate rest.

    What Are The Repercussions Of Putting Off Going To Bed Until The Last Minute?

    A lack of sleep may arise from putting off bedtime. Sleep deprivation can have far-reaching, negative effects on your health because it prevents your mind and body from recharging as needed.

    Lack of sleep impairs one's capacity for thought, memory, and decision making. The risk of daytime sleepiness increases due to sleep loss, which in turn reduces productivity and academic accomplishment and raises the risks connected with driving while drowsy.

    Disrupted sleep has been linked to irritability and other difficulties with emotional regulation. Anxiety and depression, among other mental health issues, have also been related to it. An example sentence: [Reference needed]

    A lack of sleep is bad for your health since it raises your chances of getting diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is especially concerning in view of COVID-19 that sleep deprivation can affect immune function. Since this is the case, vaccines may not work as well as they otherwise would.

    Neglecting your sleep needs may have immediate negative effects. In contrast, long-term effects of insufficient sleep are often cumulative and can exacerbate existing health problems.

    Refusing to go to bed when it's time to can amplify the negative effects of sleep deprivation. As a lack of sleep has been linked to difficulties with self-regulation and impulse control, putting off going to bed can contribute to a vicious cycle in which one gets less and less sleep and worsens their health. Lack of sleep has been linked to problems with self-control and regulation of impulses.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Procastination

    An act of procrastination or vengeance before bedtime Bedtime procrastination is a psychological phenomena in which people stay up later than they intend to in order to exert more control over the night because they believe (perhaps unconsciously) that they do not have enough influence over the activities that take place during the day.

    The act that is being described here is known as "vengeance sleep procrastination." "the decision to sacrifice sleep for leisure time that is driven by a daily routine lacking in free time," as defined by the National Sleep Foundation. "the decision to sacrifice sleep for leisure time." In most cases, it requires that A later than normal bedtime, which shortens the total amount of time spent sleeping during the night.

    According to the findings of this study, poor sleep quality can contribute to procrastination, particularly among people who already have trouble with self-regulation. Therefore, people who have a low level of self-control are more likely to put off doing things until later, whereas people who have a high level of self-control are less likely to put off doing things until later.

    Here are some potential solutions to the problem of procrastinating going to bed because to vengeance:

    • Changing the way you think about sleep is the first step.
    • Make sure you give yourself some downtime every day.
    • Create a bedtime ritual.
    • Get on a sleep schedule.
    • Learn your body's natural signs for falling asleep.
    • Put your electronic devices to sleep.
    • Put an end to the autoplay.

    People's lack of self-control and drive to go to bed on time is due to a number of factors, including the accessibility of many forms of entertainment and the misalignment of their biological clocks. Negative emotions, resentment, and a lack of enthusiasm are some of the frequent factors that might contribute to general procrastination. These factors can also play a role in bedtime procrastination.

    How It Could Affect Your Health

    what do you need to know about revenge bedtime procrastination (3)

    Sleep deprivation is a condition that can develop if a person does not get the required amount of sleep each night. On average, an adult needs somewhere between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. More is required for kids and teenagers.

    Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences for your personal and professional life, including in your relationships, productivity at work, and even your ability to stay awake behind the wheel. You may also be feeling additional symptoms in addition to weariness.

    • Greater concentration
    • There was less focus
    • Most regrettable memory
    • Bad decision-making skills
    • Feelings of unease, tension, and restlessness

    Lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of a variety of health problems throughout time.

    • Circulatory problems
    • Obesity
    • Hormonal deficiencies that lead to a weakened immune system.
    • Continued suffering
    • Problems with one's mental health, such as depression and anxiety

    The risk of an untimely death from any cause may also be increased by a lack of sleep that persists over time.

    Advice On How to Get Enough Rest

    Attempting to get through the day on sugar and caffeine is not a good idea. Instead, try these simple strategies to get a good night's sleep:

    Limit Daytime Naps

    If you absolutely must nap throughout the day, try not to sleep for more than half an hour at a time, and get your zzz's in earlier in the day.

    Establish A Calming Pre-Bedtime Routine For Yourself

    Doing things like brushing your teeth, reading a book, and stretching gently can all help you unwind. Then, once you've settled on a routine, try to keep to it night after night.

    Avoid Eating Huge Meals Late At Night

    Eating a heavy dinner before bed can make it difficult to get to sleep or stay asleep.

    Reduce Your Consumption Of Caffeine, Alcoholic Beverages, And Tobacco

    If you use any of these in the hours before bed, you may find it harder to fall asleep. Overall health requires that smokers abstain.

    Keep An Eye On That Water

    Even while being hydrated is crucial, chugging a bunch of water right before bed could mean getting up several times during the night to pee.

    Be Consistent

    You need to adhere to a regular schedule of waking up and going to sleep every day, including on the weekends.

    Prime Your Bedroom For Sleep

    Before turning in for the night, set the thermostat for between 66 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The lights should be dimmed or turned off completely. All electronic devices with screens should be turned off. In the event that you must have a lighted clock next to your bed, make sure to turn it so that it is not facing you when you are trying to get some shut-eye. Another option is to use white-noise headphones or an app that generates soothing sounds to drown out any outside noises.

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    Prioritise Sleep

    If you want to enhance the quality of your sleep, you should prioritise getting enough of it. Keep in mind how useful it is to get enough shut-eye by getting to bed on time every night. If you obtain a good night's sleep, you'll have more energy the following day to get through whatever tasks you have to accomplish.

    Develop Some Healthy Patterns For Sleeping

    You can improve the quantity and quality of your sleep by establishing a regular regimen of good sleeping practises. For example, you could resolve to stick to a set bedtime and wake time every day, cut back or eliminate alcohol and caffeine consumption in the late afternoon and evening, and focus on making your bedroom a relaxing place to sleep.

    Examine The Time You Have Available

    Examine your daily responsibilities carefully; a full schedule is often the root cause of bitter procrastination at bedtime as a means of retaliation. Get rid of the things you're doing or the obligations you've made that aren't necessary. If you're feeling down and unfulfilled because of what you do during the day, it might be time to switch things up.

    Make Sure You Schedule Some Time For Yourself

    Think about how you can make up for the time you'll save by devoting it to things that make you happy, because you'll be cutting out some of those things from your schedule. This isn't always going to be easy, especially if you're a parent or a working professional who can't just ignore your obligations.

    An approach to this problem could be to treat "alone time" with the same importance as any other activity in your schedule. Find a friend, a babysitter, a partner, or a family member who can step in and take care of things while you take a break and relax for that amount of time you've set aside for yourself.

    Get An Early Start On Your Evening And Bedtime Routines

    An further defence against the negative outcomes of staying up too late is to initiate your bedtime routine at an earlier hour. Set the alarm for an hour before you plan on getting ready for bed. You may find that you are more tired and less tempted to stay up late if you give yourself more time at the end of the day to unwind from the day's activities.

    Put An End To Your Use Of Digital Tools

    Turn off the autoplay function on your streaming service and refrain from checking social media while you're in bed. If you're having trouble nodding off, try establishing some calming rituals like mild stretching, meditation, or reading before bed.


    The term "revenge bedtime procrastination" describes the actions of people who put off going to bed so they can engage in things they did not have time for during the day. It's a way to get more time for fun and games at the sacrifice of restful sleep. Being a vengeful procrastinator of bedtime is not necessarily a sign of staying up late. It's probable that different people will feel its effects in different ways. Some folks prefer the quiet of the night or the freshness of the morning to get in some extra exercise or practise a favourite hobby.

    When putting off responsible behaviours like going to bed on time or exacting retribution becomes routine, issues occur. The term "revenge nighttime procrastination" refers to putting off going to sleep as a kind of payback for the stress or lack of free time experienced during the day. Some researchers speculate that people's increasing habit of using electronic gadgets in bed may be to blame. The phrase originated in China but has gained support around the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some people may have an innate propensity to delay gratifying activities, such as getting ready for bed.

    College students and women are most likely to put off going to bed until the last minute. Sleep deprivation can have far-reaching, negative effects on your health because it prevents your mind and body from recharging as needed. Sleep deprivation is a condition that can develop if a person does not get the required amount of sleep each night. On average, an adult needs somewhere between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of a variety of health problems throughout time.

    If you want to enhance your quality of sleep, you should prioritise getting enough of it. Consistently adhere to a regular schedule of waking up and going to sleep every day, including on the weekends. This article will help you make a decision about Rehab Treatment Melbourne fees for different treatments. You can improve the quantity and quality of your sleep by establishing a regular regimen of good sleeping practises. For example, you could resolve to stick to a set bedtime and wake time every day. Or cut back or eliminate alcohol and caffeine consumption in the late afternoon and evening.

    Content Summary

    1. Do you, rather than going to bed at a reasonable hour after a long day, choose to stay up late so you can have some time alone?
    2. If this is a recurring behaviour, it may be a sign that you are putting off going to bed as a kind of retaliation.
    3. A common form of "revenge" for having a full schedule every day is to delay getting to bed until later in the day.
    4. Because of this, you are likely getting less shut-eye than you require.
    5. Everything you need to know, including the potential risks to your health, is laid out here.
    6. You'll be more able to recognise sleep procrastination when it arises in your life if you're familiar with its signs, causes, and consequences.
    7. Then you can take steps to avoid the consequences of putting off bedtime, such as insufficient rest.
    8. What Is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?The term "revenge bedtime procrastination" is used to characterise the actions of people who put off going to bed so they can engage in things they did not have time for during the day.
    9. It's a way to get more time for fun and games at the sacrifice of restful sleep.
    10. SignsBeing a vengeful procrastinator of bedtime is not necessarily a sign of staying up late.
    11. Instead, the study authors propose that there are three main aspects of sleep postponement:The less amount of sleep each night must be a direct result of the later bedtime.
    12. Some folks prefer the quiet of the night or the freshness of the morning to get in some extra exercise or practise a favourite hobby.
    13. CausesSeveral hypotheses have been presented by researchers in an attempt to explain why some people choose to forego sleep in favour of additional leisure time.
    14. On the other hand, maybe you tend to put off doing things that need to be done and end up putting off things that are important to you.
    15. As the day goes down, you may have less self-control, which has been linked in some studies to the act of putting off sleep.
    16. ImpactYou shouldn't worry too much about how staying up late every night will affect the number of hours you sleep, your health, or your general happiness.
    17. When putting off responsible behaviours like going to bed on time or exacting retribution becomes routine, issues occur.
    18. The cycle of late nights followed by early mornings might lead to sleep deprivation.
    19. Inability to get enough shut-eye can impair day-to-day functioning, and long-term sleep deprivation can have detrimental effects on your body and mind.
    20. Possible side effects of sleep deprivation due to avoiding bed as retaliation include the following.
    21. DepressionTrouble maintaining focusHigh blood pressure is unhealthy.
    22. For someone to be classified as having delayed bedtime procrastination, they must exhibit all three of the following symptoms:A reduction in overall sleep time due to a late bedtime.
    23. One form of nighttime hypersomnia is putting off going to sleep (bedtime procrastination).
    24. What Role Does Vengeance Play In This Scenario?The term "revenge nighttime procrastination" refers to putting off going to sleep as a kind of payback for the stress or lack of free time experienced during the day.
    25. For some, putting off going to bed at night may be seen as an act of "vengeance" for the lack of downtime they get during the workday.
    26. Despite having originated in China, the idea has gained support around the world as a result of the anxiety produced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
    27. See our list of available Rehabilitation Programmes to help you make an informed decision for your treatment.
    28. Even if they know they should get more sleep, many who have trouble getting to sleep on time nevertheless put off doing so.
    29. An intention-action discrepancy is also referred to as an intention-action gap.
    30. Individuals' inability to self-regulate or exercise self-control may be contributing to this discrepancy.
    31. It may be easier to put off going to sleep in the evenings because our capacity for self-control naturally declines as the day progresses.
    32. Giving up sleep for other activities may not be a sign of laziness, but rather of a conscious decision to find time for rest and relaxation in order to deal with the stress in one's life.
    33. If you've been putting off going to bed, consider this your punishment.
    34. One study indicated that college students and women were the most likely to put off going to bed until the last possible moment.
    35. What Are The Repercussions Of Putting Off Going To Bed Until The Last Minute?A lack of sleep may arise from putting off bedtime.
    36. Lack of sleep impairs one's capacity for thought, memory, and decision making.
    37. Anxiety and depression, among other mental health issues, have also been related to it.
    38. It is especially concerning in view of COVID-19 that sleep deprivation can affect immune function.
    39. Neglecting your sleep needs may have immediate negative effects.
    40. In contrast, long-term effects of insufficient sleep are often cumulative and can exacerbate existing health problems.
    41. Refusing to go to bed when it's time to can amplify the negative effects of sleep deprivation.
    42. As a lack of sleep has been linked to difficulties with self-regulation and impulse control, putting off going to bed can contribute to a vicious cycle in which one gets less and less sleep and worsens their health.
    43. Sleep deprivation can have serious consequences for your personal and professional life, including in your relationships, productivity at work, and even your ability to stay awake behind the wheel.
    44. Continued sufferingProblems with one's mental health, such as depression and anxietyThe risk of an untimely death from any cause may also be increased by a lack of sleep that persists over time.
    45. Limit Daytime NapsIf you absolutely must nap throughout the day, try not to sleep for more than half an hour at a time, and get your zzz's in earlier in the day.
    46. Establish A Calming Pre-Bedtime Routine For YourselfDoing things like brushing your teeth, reading a book, and stretching gently can all help you unwind.
    47. Then, once you've settled on a routine, try to keep to it night after night.
    48. Avoid Eating Huge Meals Late At NightEating a heavy dinner before bed can make it difficult to get to sleep or stay asleep.
    49. Be ConsistentYou need to adhere to a regular schedule of waking up and going to sleep every day, including on the weekends.
    50. Prioritise SleepIf you want to enhance the quality of your sleep, you should prioritise getting enough of it.
    51. Keep in mind how useful it is to get enough shut-eye by getting to bed on time every night.
    52. You can improve the quantity and quality of your sleep by establishing a regular regimen of good sleeping practises.
    53. Get rid of the things you're doing or the obligations you've made that aren't necessary.
    54. Make Sure You Schedule Some Time For YourselfThink about how you can make up for the time you'll save by devoting it to things that make you happy, because you'll be cutting out some of those things from your schedule.
    55. An approach to this problem could be to treat "alone time" with the same importance as any other activity in your schedule.
    56. Get An Early Start On Your Evening And Bedtime RoutinesAn further defence against the negative outcomes of staying up too late is to initiate your bedtime routine at an earlier hour.
    57. Set the alarm for an hour before you plan on getting ready for bed.
    58. You may find that you are more tired and less tempted to stay up late if you give yourself more time at the end of the day to unwind from the day's activities.
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